Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

I am upset with myself

Dee, I really dunno why...I got a job, but I did not like it.... It is not becoz I am a perfectionist or what, but I think this job is not suitable for me... I am still trying to like this job, but I just feel depressed... I miss my little hometown, I miss the friendly environment there... I miss my family, my friends, and of course my hubby sweetheart...

3 komentar:

Jhoni20 mengatakan...

wah kenapa mangnya???? kalo kerjaannya memang "kurang berkenan" ya coba aja nyari yang lain!!!!......tapi coba pikirkan lebih jauh dee??? mengkin setelah penyesuaian pekerjaannya jadi terasa menyenangkan!!.........tapi kalo tetap seperti itu ya apa boleh buat!!!!!

tetap semangat ya sis!!!!!

deeny bunny mengatakan...

ao Bli...deeny uda nyoba adapt,,, tp uda satu stengah bulan bkane tmbah sneng malah tambah stress....tkutnya low d trusin ntar deeny mlah jd depag (depresi akut) kwakwakwa.... Ternyata emg bner, kunci sukses kerja tue, pertama musti suka ma pekerjaannya dlu hwehehe...

Anonim mengatakan...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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