Minggu, 24 Mei 2009


Dee,aq bner2 hancur hr nie...
Hancur sehancur2nya...
Nothing 2 say more....

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

hancur hatiQ

Dee, last night I felt so angry and disappointed w/ my bf...U know what? He left me alone after we quarreled...I really dunno what was wrong, but suddenly he left me without saying a word!!

Of course I can't accept that!! When he left me, I ignored him and went on my own way... Then, my bf ran after me, and he grabbed my hand. He asked me, "Do you still love me?" I really angry, how could he said that after he left me alone! I answered, " I love U so much...What I wonder is, do YOU love me?"

Dee, I really upset with his personality....He is so temperamental....Besides, any time we have problems, he never discussed them in good communication with me, but rather left me alone and made me feel guilty (even when I was not wrong at all!!!)

Gosh, sum times I feel so desperate...

Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

manga lover 4 manga lover

I am a manga lover...
Since in elementary school...i like reading manga...the first and the most favorite manga i ever read is Doraemon (so childish huh???)

Eumph, cuz i like reading mAnga, then i tried making my own manga...but,,,those are not good,so,,, i throw them away hwehehe...

Now, i am bored trying,,,but sumtimes i still like drawing (just 4 fun...)

These are two of my drawings. I drew them using computer..so they do not look so good hwehehe...;p(ngeles nie, pdhl emng gbre jelek aj dr sonony hwehehe)

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

bunny narxies;p

nie puto2 pas aq jeng2,,ke sawah...ke kebun karet...tyuz di sana brnarxis2 ria d...ada gaya burket, maen petak umpet, sok foto model hwehehe...

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

am I childish???

well, am I childish if I like 2 cry??

I know I always feel depressed...but how can I change that???

I wanna be a cheerful person, a mature and independent woman...

I don't want 2 always rely on somebody else, since I know that if I trust them 2 much,,they will hurt me...

I must stand on my own...

Keep fighting with the sucking life!!!


deeary, tnyata Allah tue sayank bgt ma aq...
Kemaren, aq jatuh kepleset d kamar mandi pas mw ambil aer wat nyirami bunga...
Eh, setengah muka, kepala, n badanQ kebentur tenbok n pintu....rasane sakiiit bgt,Dee...Terutama muka n blakang kepala...aq udah mikir,,,aq pst bkal gegar otak, klu ga cacat seumur idup, klu g gi2ku pasti rontok smua...
Ternyata,,,enggak,Dee...aq masi utuh,,,cuma bi2rQ aja yang pecah n robek...

Dee,,,rasanya tak kan pernah cukup ucapan syukur ku panjatkan sama Allah...Aq bisa aj mati pas itu,,tapi Allah masi menjaga,melindungi, & menyelamatkan aq...Dia masi ngasi aq kesempatan hidup, & menyadarkan aq bhwa aq bisa di panggil kapan aja,,,& aq musti brubah Dee..

aQ ga boleh bandel lg,,musti lbh deketin diri ma Allah.,,,

Uih,,,aq malu sekali sama Allah....

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

let me sleep tight 2nite...

malem nie sepi....bgt....dingin...gelap....(maklum td abis mati lampu)...
aq pusing mikir presentasi besok...

emg cie,nie semester terakhirQ kuliah....tapi rasane belum siap kerja...maci pngen istirahat dari penat2q...

aQ ga butuh omelan2 lg...kepalaQ uda pusiiiingT_T

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

i am hungry...please give me food...

hwaduw...melaz bgt ya...kya anak terlantar aj kelaparan...
bukan ko... aq lg puasa hwehehe...
tapi ko laper mata ya...laper mata ti2p salam ma laper perut...hwehehe...

try a new thing...

just trying...

well, in life there are so many things that are so sophisticated...and challenging...


here i am...trying to do something that in past I don't really care...

like opening a window 2 look at the weather in the morning,,u'll always feel astonished with the miracles from God:)

just try to keep up with life...hwehehe

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